Why become a member of the NI Fraud Forum?
We are a not-for-profit company, run by a strategic board of volunteer individuals with careers spanning both public and private sectors. Our aims are to help prevent fraud in Northern Ireland by raising awareness in the public and private sector and amongst individuals.
The key benefit of membership is becoming part of a valuable network of people directly involved in the business of combating fraud every day, and gaining the opportunity to share knowledge,experiences and best practices with fellow members working across a wide range of sectors and industries.
Membership Benefits
By becoming an NI Fraud Forum member you will also benefit from:
Annual Conference: Each year the NI Fraud Forum will hold a half-day conference for all its members. The first annual conference was held in Autumn 2022 and included a line-up of speakers from across industry and the public sector talking about current fraud-related and fraud prevention issues. Since 2022 we’ve held an annual conference each year in November with a range of excellent speakers.
Masterclasses: The NI Fraud Forum holds masterclasses throughout the year (usually a breakfast masterclass) on various subjects given by expert speakers. The masterclasses focus on a key development or trend and are designed to be directly relevant to people involved in combating fraud and fraudulent behaviour in the workplace.
Our masterclasses and conferences provide great networking opportunities, as well as a chance to share, benchmark and explore experiences and ideas with people from within your own sector and outside, who all have the same concerns and problems as you.
How can I join?
Membership of the NIFF is on an individual basis, and our membership year runs from the date of our annual conference in November. There are 3 classes of member that imcludes the opportunity for organisations with larger counter fraud teams to avail of a corporate membership offering a discount along with a 3rd sector (charitable organisation) membership at over 50% discount.
These are the options available for membership: